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Test Result : Scenario: Count access role entities by scope

4 failures , 32 skipped
36 tests
Took 1.3 sec.

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Test nameDurationStatus
And A user such as0 msSkipped
And A user such as0 msSkipped
And A user such as0 msSkipped
And I create the access role0 msSkipped
And I create the access role0 msSkipped
And I create the access role0 msSkipped
And I create the access role0 msSkipped
And I create the access role0 msSkipped
And I create the access role0 msSkipped
And The permissions "read, write, execute"0 msSkipped
And The permissions "read, write, execute"0 msSkipped
And The permissions "read, write, execute"0 msSkipped
And The role "test_role_1"0 msSkipped
And The role "test_role_1"0 msSkipped
And The role "test_role_1"0 msSkipped
And The role "test_role_2"0 msSkipped
And The role "test_role_2"0 msSkipped
And The role "test_role_3"0 msSkipped
Given A scope with ID 100 msSkipped
Given A scope with ID 200 msSkipped
Given A scope with ID 300 msSkipped
Scenario: Count access role entities by scope0.67 secFailed
Scenario: Count access role entities by scope26 msFailed
Scenario: Count access role entities by scope3 msFailed
Scenario: Count access role entities by scope0.65 secFailed
Then I get 0 as result0 msSkipped
Then I get 1 as result0 msSkipped
Then I get 2 as result0 msSkipped
Then I get 3 as result0 msSkipped
When I count the access roles in scope 100 msSkipped
When I count the access roles in scope 200 msSkipped
When I count the access roles in scope 300 msSkipped
When I count the access roles in scope 420 msSkipped
When I create a clean access info entity0 msSkipped
When I create a clean access info entity0 msSkipped
When I create the access info entity0 msSkipped